The Fancy Ampersand Stamp

Ampersand Stamp

Last weekend I was at Michaels and I bought a new stamp. It was a kind of fancy ampersand, and I got all excited because it was in the clearance bin. I’m a bit of a sucker for clearance bin stamps, you can always find a treasure or two in there. I also got a flower and a butterfly. 

But then when I got home, I was looking at it, and I thought to myself, well this really looks like more of a fancy E. And I was disappointed because I don’t know anyone with the initial E that I would scrapbook about.

Today, I got an email from with my word of the day, and in the email, they had a link to an article about punctuation, and lo and behold the image they used was for the ampersand! It was a fancy E similar to the one on my stamp, not the one we are used to seeing on our keyboards (&).

So there we go, I learned something new- that there are two right ways to write an ampersand and I didn’t waste my money on a stamp I wouldn’t use.

TIP- for a free ampersand & cut file, just use the font function to write & and then scroll through the fonts until you find one you like.


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